Thursday, July 28, 2016

10 Things to be Happy About


Family: Whether it be your grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, great aunt… Family is unique to each and every person. You cannot create your family and as you grow older, so do they. Be happy you have family, some do not!

Love: Love is an amazing thing. Many people use the word love freely and many cherish it. Never take love for granted. Be happy to love and be loved, because you are loved!

Food: The simplest things in life are sometimes the things we take for granted the most; food, water, family, friends, education, freedom… (Basically half my list). People all over the US do not have the pleasure of eating a hot meal at night. Be happy you can.

Freedom: To be an American citizen and live a life with freedom is an accomplishment in itself. Your elders have given you an amazing gift. Be happy you can use that freedom in many ways.

Education: You can come from a poor community with minimal access to high education or you can come from a well-off family that forces you to continue your education. In today’s society, we need that education to get many jobs paying minimum wage. Be happy we have so many options for assistance. It is possible. It won’t be easy, but it’s possible.

Water: One of the most basic things in life; water. As a society we often take for granted the water we have readily available. We waste water as if nobody is in need. Remember the homeless; mothers, children, fathers, veterans- wounded at heart on the street begging for food and water. Be happy to have fresh water available almost any time!

Electricity: This seems so silly, but I am extremely happy to have electricity. Every time our power goes out, it seems like we look at each other with a dumb-found look. It could be 8am or 8pm and we don’t know what to do. Why? We are extremely dependent on electricity; cooking, watching tv, charging your phone, lighting your house, grooming yourself, cleaning your carpet… Be happy you have access to electricity and remember those who don’t have it because they can’t.

Faith: Faith is a huge part of my life. I believe everyone has Faith of some sort, it is just a matter of what kind. In all reality, it shouldn’t matter what kind of faith you have to anyone but yourself. I have a tattoo saying “faith” to remind myself that everything will be okay and to have faith in myself, the Lord (if you wish), family, war… whatever you are struggling with. Be happy you have the choice to choose your faith, if any. Many don’t have a choice.

Friends: True friends are far and beyond these days. Our society has become so in tune with social media and wanting everyone to “like” them. What about a good ole’ barbecue with the best of friends? Do not ever take for granted your true friends and if you go through the heartbreak of being betrayed trust by one of those friends, have faith. It will get better. There are still great people that will make true friendship worth the wait. Be happy you have friends. It is a lonely world alone.

Pets: It may seem silly, but my dog, Reggie, is my fur baby. He means the world to my husband and I and we are so happy to have him a part of our life. We do not have children (yet) but in the moment we are enjoying Reggie and all the joys he brings us. I honestly never thought I could love an animal the way I love him. He is a bundle of joy. It is easy to take for granted having a pet. They basically have no choice where they live, what they eat or drink, what toys they get, what family they go to… Be happy you have all those choices and to have a pet that many dream of having.  

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