September 1-30, 2015
"All about Dad"
190 PV: 5 ml Peppermint Essential Oil
250 PV: 5 ml Dream Catcher Essential Oil plus above oil
300 PV: MegaCal 450g plus above oils
400 PV: DewDrop Diffusser, 15 ml Myrtle Essential Oil, 5 ml Forgiveness Essential Oil Blend plus above products/oils

190 PV: 5ml PanAway Essential Oil & 5 ml Peppermint Essential Oil
250 PV: 5ml Dream Catcher Essential Oil plus above oils
300 PV: MegaCal 450g plus above oils
400 PV: DewDrop Diffusser, 15 ml Myrtle Essential Oil, 5 ml Forgiveness Essential Oil Blend plus above products/oils
OFFER DETAILS: all deals valid September 1-30. Limit of 1 free DewDrop Diffuser, Myrtle, Forgiveness, MegaCal, Dream Catcher and Peppermint per Standard Oil. Limit one free DewDrop Diffuser, Myrtle, Forgiveness, MegaCal, Dream Catcher, PanAway and Peppermint per Essential Rewards order. No limit per member of the Buy One, Get One Free NingXia Chrome promotion. If any of these items become unavailable, Young Living may replace promotional products with equivalent products with similar values. PV must be reached in a single order. partial orders placed throughout the qualifying month cannot be combined to receive the offer. PV is not earned on free products. Single orders over 190, 250, 300 or 400 PV do not earn duplicate rewards. Offer does not apply when ordering using ER points. Offer is available to all Young Living members or Retail Customers. Contact your Young Living distributor today to order!